Let’s Talk Price: How Much Does Research Cost?
The only way to keep your customers, or gain new business, is to
know exactly what consumers want.
Market Rersearch is always a nessesry activity when it comes to growth of your business. But the cost that comes on such activities do matters. At Mintscan, we are providing Market Research activities at very affordable rates depending upon your specified needs.
Here are some price-related factors:
The target audience(s) you want to survey.
Think again of the effort required to survey generals vs. students. This is the biggest driver of price.
Your objectives: what do you want to learn from one or audience segments?
Your goals and the number of targets may require us to slice and dice the data when we analyze the results, and since we’ll need to ensure each subgroup contains enough completed surveys to run a statistical analysis, this will drive the number of surveys required and thus drive the price. In tandem with that, the number of completed interviews per target group is also a factor.
Telephone or online?
Related to your objectives, the audience, and the nature of the questions to be asked, there is another set of considerations around whether a telephone or online methodology makes more sense.
The number of questions you want to ask.
This could reduce or lengthen the survey, in turn affecting respondents’ willingness to take the time to answer the questions, and is thus another driver of price.
The types of questions to ask.
Are there many open-ended questions that require probing by the interviewer, or long lists of statements for respondents to address?
To discuss a custom solution with our trained experts, please write an email at info@mintscan.com